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5 Months

- Baby A is very much settled into a routine ( Thanks to Gina Ford).He takes his first feed of the day at 7 am.He either plays in his cot or sleeps for an hour before i prepare his bath.He enjoys his massage and bath now and smiles a lot while he is in his bath tub.After he is all dressed up i leave him on his Activity Mat to play.Since i have started Weaning him -he gets to eat Baby Rice/Fruity Porridge or Baby Rusks mashed with milk.Then he is given his second bottle of the day after that which he goes to sleep for an hour or 2 hours.His next feed his due between 2-3pm.The time after that is the most difficult one as he gets restless.Sometimes i take him out for a ride in his pram.His second meal of the day is his dinner which could be anything between Apple/Carrot/Sweet Potato/Pear puree.He takes his last bottle and sleeps at 7 pm.
- He has been gaining weight steadily with just one blip when he lost an ounce of weight.That was because he had a Tummy Bug.He suffered from diarrhoea and his throwing up increased.But thankfully he was fine within 3-4 days.
- The first signs of tooth are all there and i can see two white specks in his lower gum.He wants everything to be chewed on and just loves to chew my finger when he gets his hand on it.He has variety of teethers at his disposal but he loves to chew his spoon/his muslin cloth/his fingers or mine/sometimes mobile as well.
- He giggles hard when i tickle his tummy and can laugh uncontrollably at times.He loves to move his head from side to side observing everything around him.He is an extremely attentive baby and would turn his face quickly as soon he hears any sound or voice coming from any direction in the house.